20 Healthy Superfoods for Weight Loss

These healthy superfoods for weight loss are incredible! Lose weight by incorporating these metabolism boosting, fat annihilating superfoods into your diet.
Want to activate EXTREME weight loss with these incredible superfoods? Naturally boost your metabolism, slim down and improve your health by adding these secret foods to your diet!
This list of natural healthy superfoods contains some of the best foods you can eat for weight loss.
I’m sure you’ve heard time and time again that shedding as many calories as you possibly can from your diet is the most efficient way to lose weight, but that is not the case.
You need to counter cravings that lead you into going overboard eating less healthy options – the best way to do this is loading your diet with healthy, nutrient-rich foods.
This list of superfoods will help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss, give you a huge energy boost so you can work out harder, and send your metabolism into overdrive burning extra calories.
So incorporate as many of these superfoods into your diet as you can – then watch the pounds melt away!
1. Popcorn

Popcorn a superfood? You must be crazy!
Actually, air-popped popcorn is a great tool for weight loss. Portion-wise it has fewer calories than any most other snacks – only 31 calories per cup.
It’s a complex carbohydrate which digests slower (keeping you full longer) and provides sustained energy (no crash, no cravings).
Just make sure you don’t grab the salt and butter loaded pre-made versions.
Air pop the popcorn yourself and add a little salt, easy!
For full recipe, you can go here : http://www.almondtozest.com